A Podcast Interview with Walter


A Podcast Interview with Walter

Moe and Walter Scherr talk about how he was a Depression era kid who survived tuberculosis and six years in a sanatorium to become a leader in the business community; a boardroom millionaire; and a key figure in the early days of the high-tech revolution.

Here’s what is shared:

  • How he evaluates his life – both personally and professionallyWalter Scherr interview
  • How adversity has shaped his character
  • Building mental resilience & dealing with his lowest moments
  • The time he knew he wanted to run a business
  • Why management by walking around ignites the best in others
  • The greatest lesson he learned from Mother Teresa
  • The business philosophy inherent in the 3-in-1 egg theory

Listen to the interview here and click either Download or Listen on iTunes

Nihanth Kandimalla

About Nihanth Kandimalla
